Saturday, April 11, 2015


Today I hiked up bluffs, across creeks, and through the woods, while turkey hunting with my oldest.

Four hours worth.  I'm counting it as my exercise today.  Especially since I was lugging around a camera and extra lenses.

Friday, April 10, 2015


Day 100 is in the books!  My goal has been fulfilled.  One mile tonight to wrap things up, and now to decide where I'm going from here.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Three miles and some change tonight.  

It was nice to have a little extra time to walk, between work and taekwondo tonight.  

I have pulled muscles and bruises everywhere.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Another mile and a half tonight.  

My brain is already preparing to shift gears and get back to "work out" mode.  Just one more week and I can begin again.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Logged a mile before taekwondo tonight.

And it was forms night tonight.  SO glad we ran through them.  I needed a refresher.

Monday, April 6, 2015


2.3 miles tonight before dinner.  

I'm feeling a lot more like running, but I think I'm going to wait until tax season is fully complete before I dive back in and start over with my training.  There will be a lot less frustration that way.  I can go for one more week on easy street.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


An easy 1.5 miles this evening.

A few more weeks and I should be hitting my groove again. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Hanging in there with another mile tonight.  This walking stuff is for the birds.

But soon I shall run again!

Friday, April 3, 2015


Two miles this evening.  My foot is feeling a lot better.  Still bruised and possibly broken, but healing.

Now I'm dealing with a dislocated rib again.  I swear if it's not one thing, it's something else.  Hoping to get this thing slid back into place somehow over the weekend. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015


One mile for Autism Awareness Day!  

I'm so thankful for my little running buddies.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


One mile tonight after taekwondo class.  

Hanging in there by a thread.

Monday, March 30, 2015


Day 89 of our run streak is complete.  More walking than running, mind you, but moving forward none the less.

1.5 miles.  Eleven more days until I reach my goal!  And then we'll see where things go from there.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Another 1.5 miles tonight.  I'm sticking with what's doable.  

My foot is slowly recovering and I may even manage a REAL run in the next week or so.  

The important thing is to just keep moving forward.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


April 15th can't get here soon enough!  Right now I'm just going with the flow and struggling to even walk.  My right foot is still swollen and painful, but I'm thinking (hoping) it's only bruised (not broken), as I am starting to get more flexibility in it.

I'm giving myself permission to walk these measly miles, until my injuries heal and I can get back to a somewhat less packed schedule.

1.5 miles tonight on the mill.  I'm just glad I'm able to continue moving forward.  My time to run again will come.

Friday, March 27, 2015


One more mile.  Continuing to move forward, in hopes that there will be some light at the end of this tunnel of injuries and exhaustion.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


One more mile!  I was so tired after we got home from taekwondo that I almost forgot to get this one in today.  

But it is done.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Another 1.6 miles, just to keep the streak alive.

My body is sore all over and I would just really like to curl up under the covers and sleep for a solid 12 hours.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


One really painful mile after taekwondo tonight.

I may have to sneak into the clinic for that x-ray tomorrow, after all.  Was really hoping the foot would be feeling better by now.

Monday, March 23, 2015


Held on for another 3 mile walk tonight.

I'm barely hanging on, but hanging on none the less!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Logged another 2.5 this afternoon.  As long as I keep my foot straight, I can get along just fine.  

Hoping the swelling goes down and I can bend it again soon.  No running until this swelling goes down, I'm afraid.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


World Down Syndrome Awareness Day.

Bayleigh and I wore the appropriate attire to celebrate Cameron's (my I Run 4 Siblings) brother Gavin.

Along with 3 miles on the treadmill at a snail's pace.  

My right foot is still bruised and really stiff from taekwondo, but thankfully I had a good book to read to pass the time more quickly.

I hope to be back running again soon.  But I'm finding things don't heal as quickly as they used to.

Friday, March 20, 2015


Walked a REALLY slow mile after taekwondo belt testing tonight.

And I feel very fortunate to have been able to do that much.  

Tonight I will be covering myself with Icy Hot, taking some Ibuprofen and snuggling up with a few ice packs.  I can't even express in words how thankful I am, that I can sleep in tomorrow.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


The bruised foot is feeling pretty awful tonight.  So I took it easy and just logged a really slow mile.

I REALLY want to keep the streak alive . . . at least until I hit day 100.  I'm coloring a special page for each of my little buddies as a surprise . . . and I get to color a part of each picture for every day I run, walk or crawl a mile.  Just 21 more days until I hit 100!  

Taekwondo is killing me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


One measly mile tonight. 

Hubby thinks I may have broken a bone in my foot last Friday at black belt club.  But if I do . . . I don't want to know about it until AFTER belt testing this coming Friday evening.

Until then . . . I'll be taking it easy, alternating between ice and heat, and taking some ibuprofen to take the edge off.

Just a few more months before Black Belt testing and then I'll be focusing more on my running again.  If I can survive that long.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


3.17 miles for Fisher and Cameron this afternoon!

They helped me earn this medal, along with one for each of them.  

Thanks little buddies!

Monday, March 16, 2015


Walked another 4 plus miles.  Added a little jog at the end for a total of 4.70 miles.

Going to bed early tonight.

I think the main thing I need right now is sleep.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Logged a nice slow 1.7 miles tonight on the treadmill.

Gonna need to step up my game if I'm going to get in my 100 miles this month!

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Shamrox 5k at Dublin's Pass today.  

Ended up 5 of 47 in my age group and 156 overall out of 639 runners.  Not too shabby for being sick and running with a bruised foot.

I'll take it!

Friday, March 13, 2015


So exhausted, but I managed to walk over five miles today.

Tomorrow is race day!

And tonight during black belt club, I bruised the ball of my right foot trying to break a board.  Probably not the smartest thing to do the day before a race.  

But, it's all good.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Another 2.5 miles tonight.  

Walking is tedious, but I've opted to let my body and my lungs rest up for Saturday's 5k.

One more day of antibiotics . . . I just want to feel up to running again.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Getting in a late, slow walk tonight.  

I've been pretty sick today.  

But I logged two miles tonight.  NOW I can allow myself to go to bed.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Still feeling like I've been run over and parked on by a semi.

Logged a slow easy mile on the treadmill.  

I think my best option for this week is to try and get rested up with a short run on Thursday, before Saturday's Shamrox run.  Good thing it's only a 5k.  I can still do a 5k with my eyes closed, in the dark, running backwards.  Not that I want to, mind you.  But I could.

Monday, March 9, 2015


On my second round of antibiotics . . . Bummer.

Logged 2.5 at a slow walk tonight.  Maybe these bad boys will kick in and I'll feel better tomorrow.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Feeling a little more rested today, but still pretty wiped out.  

Logged another 4 miles tonight.  Still walking, but it's better than crawling.  But not by much.

I just want to feel like my "normal" self again.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Feeling pretty rough today.  I'm exhausted and this bronchitis just won't ease up.

So, I opted to walk 3.5.  Every step counts, right?

Friday, March 6, 2015


Run streak day number sixty five . . . 2 miles and some change.  

Still pushing onward.  Even when my body is so tired I can hardly move.

I figure if I train my body to push on no matter what, that when it comes to actually counting, I will have no doubts that I will finish.

Or maybe I'm just warped.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


I hate splitting my runs . . . but sometimes you have to do what you must to get the miles in.

Run, walk or crawl.

I finally finished up my last 2 miles at 10:00 p.m., for a total of 4.5 miles today.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Totally not feeling well tonight.  

But I managed to stumble through my mile.  

I've GOT to get over this crud.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


The bronchitis has really stepped up it's game today.  I've been coughing up both lungs.  I think it's mainly just due to exhaustion.

So tonight I walked most of my 4 miles.  Coughing all the way.

Tomorrow I will rest.

Monday, March 2, 2015


I'm going to have to step up my game if I'm going to hit 100 miles this month.

So I walked 2.5 miles today on my "rest" day instead of my usual one miler.  94.3 miles left to go!

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Started off the month with 3 miles.  

Three down, ninety seven more to go!

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Wrapping up February with 6 miles.

Bronchitis is a bear, but I made it just fine.  Hoping this nasty stuff goes away soon.

Friday, February 27, 2015


Another mile before black belt club tonight.  

Hoping to get to bed early for a change.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


I was able to squeeze my four miles in, between work and taking Bayleigh to her archery tournament.  It was a close call, but it is done.

And after the archery tournament, we had taekwondo.  A secondary workout for the day.

I'm glad I'll be able to sleep when I'm dead.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I've probably walked a mile up and down the ladder, while I've been painting Eli's room . . . but just to make it official, I got on the treadmill and logged my mile for the day there.

I'm so used to exhaustion that I find I just slog through on days when I don't even feel like I have the strength to hold up my head.  I'm glad that I have been able to keep the streak this year.  Even during the tough months.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Ended up splitting my four mile run into two sections, due to my crazy schedule.  As soon as I got home from work, I logged 2 miles in before going to pick Bayleigh up from archery practise and then I finished up my other two miles as soon as we got back home.

Sometimes you've just got to do, what you've got to do to get those miles in.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Monday is an "off" day on my schedule, so I logged a quick mile to keep the streak going.  It just feels so good to be running again!

Sunday, February 22, 2015


I finally pulled off a run tonight.  I'm still coughing like a two-pack-a-day-smoker, but I maintained a 9 minute and something pace for my first mile and jogged the second mile to cool down.  

Gosh that felt good!

Saturday, February 21, 2015


There is always something trying to veer me off track.  Like a busy day of basketball practise, kid swaps, grocery shopping and picking out paint for Eli's room.  Glad we made it home at a respectable hour and I could log my 20 minute 1 mile walk this evening.

SO ready for a slow down.  In March, I plan on grabbing the bull by the horns again.  No matter what may fall onto my path.

Friday, February 20, 2015


And we're down to another week of miles.  February has been a less than stellar training month for me.  Actually there has been very little training going on at all.  (My one mile walks aren't really cutting it, but they're better than nothing at all!)

I'm still coughing and my sinuses are giving me fits, but I should be able to get a little more sleep from here on out.  Hell month is almost over with and I feel the acute need to run once again.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Day 50 is in the books!  This terrible cough is still with me, but I'm hanging on to these short easy miles, knowing that this too shall pass.

I WILL feel better soon.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Continuing onward with my mile a day.  

Just so long as I can keep moving forward.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Another one bites the dust!   

I think I'll be sticking with my easy miles, until I get rested up from the tax season rush.  At this point, I think it's more important to recuperate, than push myself when I'm beyond exhausted.

Monday, February 16, 2015


Another day . . . another mile.

Exhaustion is my constant companion.  I'm slogging along the best that I can.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Another one mile walk on the treadmill.  

Just struggling through exhaustion at this point.  Things should ease up soon.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


I was completely exhausted after working three more hours than I had expected to today.  Tis the season.  Tax season that is.

But I couldn't let my little running buddies down, so I slogged through another mile after dinner tonight.

I'm SO ready for some rest.

Friday, February 13, 2015


This cough is killing me . . . 

Had black belt club tonight and practised forms again.  Then walked 4 miles and some change while I finished reading, "When the Storm Breaks" by Hannah Lowell.  

It's much easier to get through these tedious walks when I have something to read. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Took another walk night tonight.  One more mile and some change.

I think I've coughed for so long, that I've finally thrown something out of whack.  I'm SO over this crud.  It just needs to go away and let me recover.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


One easy walking mile tonight.  Giving my legs a much needed rest after those brutal station drills in taekwondo. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Squeezed in my 4 miles between picking Bayleigh up from archery practise, and right before heading out the door for taekwondo.

Just barely squeaking it in, but got in done!  

We did station drills, forms and sparring tonight in taekwondo, so I'm sure my legs are going to hurt tomorrow.


Monday, February 9, 2015


I'm still coughing and my ankle is a bit stiff . . . but I was tired of walking.

Ran a mile on my "off" day in 9 minutes and 10 seconds.  Not bad for being out for over a week.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Another 1.5 mile walk tonight.  

Tomorrow I run!  So looking forward to stretching my legs back out.  

Between this nasty sinus infection and a twisted ankle, this has been a cruddy week and a half for the training schedule. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Made it through another 1.5 miles tonight.  Still coughing up both lungs, but I think I'll be able to breathe normally again soon!  

Hallelujah!  This being sick is for the birds.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Slogging through another mile tonight.  

Slowly getting better, but getting better none the less.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Another day of taking things easy.  But one more mile logged!

Hoping to get over this sinus stuff (and the twisted ankle thing) soon!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I skipped out on taekwondo tonight.  I had a little incident Saturday evening where I ended up twisting my ankle a bit.  Nothing too bad, but I can feel a sharp pain if I move too quickly the wrong way. 

Walking however, doesn't seem to bother it.  So I'm still keeping the streak alive, by walking a mile each day.

I may see how running on it feels in the morning . . . and I'm hoping to run my 4 miles on Thursday morning.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Got some much needed rest today.  I'm still pretty stuffed up, but I'm not feeling quite so sluggish.

Walked another mile on the mill.

Going to take it easy for another couple of days before I jump back into training, due to a slight ankle sprain/bruise/pull.  I don't need any injuries at this point.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Still under the weather, but was able to get my mile in.    

I'm pretty sure my body just needs some rest.  I need to pencil that into my schedule somewhere amongst all the kid's activities, work and keeping things caught up around the house.  Something is going to have to give.

Saturday, January 31, 2015


Walked a couple of miles tonight.  Still feeling like death warmed over and not really able to breathe well yet, but hopefully we're getting there!

January has officially been OWNED!

Sick or not.

Friday, January 30, 2015


It's fairly hard to run when you can't breathe.  So tonight after black belt club, I just walked my token mile.  

Hoping I can shake this nasty sinus stuff over the weekend.  And it looks like I'll be doing a re-do on this week's training schedule.

I'm totally fine with that, just so long as I keep moving forward.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


There's nothing like having a HUGE sinus infection with tons of fluid behind your ears.  It completely curtails the desire to run, let me tell ya!

Antibiotics are on board, I'm living out of a kleenex box and my head is on the verge of nuclear meltdown.  

So, instead of running my scheduled four miles tonight . . . I walked one.  Just to keep the streak alive.  

Now I'm off to snuggle up under a warm blanket with a good book and see if I can lay down without coughing a lung or two up.  Tomorrow has GOT to be better!  Right?!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Thankful that today was a "rest" day.  I got my mile in before work.

Tomorrow is going to be rough on me though.  Four miles early in the A.M.  I hope I can get my eyes pried open in time to get it all done before I have to get ready for work.

Maybe I should consider getting my butt in bed before midnight tonight . . . Just a thought!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


A four mile run on the dreadmill at 5:00 a.m.  (Have I mentioned I'm not an early morning runner?)  Especially when I've only gotten a couple of hours of sleep.

And taekwondo at 7:00 p.m.  Station drills, forms and sparring tonight.

A long day for sure.  I just want to collapse.

Monday, January 26, 2015


So far the running streak is still alive.  

Day number 26!

I'm so glad I have Fisher and Cameron to cheer me on and give me that extra little push.  I'm not just running for me.  I'm running for THEM!

Sunday, January 25, 2015


3 miles this evening for my little running buddies!  So glad they're there to cheer me on and keep me going.  

Saturday, January 24, 2015


After hauling wood and stacking brush all afternoon, I wasn't looking forward to my five mile run tonight.  Thankfully I have a few books from the library that I'm needing to finish reading . . .

So I read while I ran on the treadmill.  Multi-tasking at it's finest.

And my long run for the week is behind me. 

Friday, January 23, 2015


Finally squeezed in my mile at 10:00 p.m.  

It's been a long day and I'm going to have a short night tonight.  No rest for the weary!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


The last thing I want to do when I roll out of bed in the morning, is go for a run.  But desperate times, call for desperate measures.

So I got up an hour earlier than normal, to squeeze in my 3 mile run before work.  Twenty minutes of that hour was spent trying to get my eyes pried open and my running clothes on correctly.

My late nights are catching up with me and it's time I get back to some semblance of "normal" around here.  Maybe having a set running time will help keep me on track better.  Then again, it may just kill me.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Rest day.  Walked a mile on the treadmill, just to keep the streak alive.

Tomorrow, I will start shifting my routines in order to get my runs in before work.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Making Time

In starting back to work, it occurs to me that I'm going to have to either change my routines again . . . or do what I did today.  Go straight to work, rush home to get Eli off the bus, change into my workout gear and head out the door to pick Bayleigh up from archery practise, run back home to immediately hop on the treadmill, and have just enough time to get in a three mile run before heading back out the door for taekwondo.

I really think I need a breather in there somewhere.  And my mileage will be increasing soon.  So it looks like I'm going to have to opt for the get my butt out of bed earlier, just to get everything in.  

It's called "making time".  If it's important enough to you, you'll do it.

Three miles today and taekwondo this evening.  Now I just need to quit eating crap foods, and get back to my healthy eating again.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Life is not always kind to the runner.  Most runners work and have families to care for.  And sometimes that means either skipping a run . . . or doing completely insane things like walking or running on the treadmill after everyone has gone to bed, or at 4:00 a.m., just to keep the streak alive.

After a full day of shopping and logging a minimum of 5 miles wandering the mall with my 11 year old daughter and 12 year old niece, the last thing I wanted to do on my "rest" day was hop on the treadmill for 20 minutes.  But I did it anyway.  

And that is something I won't regret.  Chowing down on cheeseburgers, fries and potato chips all day . . . that's a whole other story.

Walked a mile tonight, while I ate dinner.  Still hanging in there.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Continuous Speed Increases

Sometimes, when I train on the treadmill, I do different things to break up the monotony.  Like slowly increasing speed each quarter to half of a mile.  

Tonight I ran on a 2.0 incline (which is my normal incline when I run on the "mill), and I started out at 5 mph.   At the half mile mark I moved the speed up to 5.3.  At the mile mark I moved up to 5.5 mph.  At the 1.5 mile mark, I moved up to 5.8 and at the 2 mile mark I moved up to 6 mph.  At the 2.5 mark I jumped up to 6.5 mph and at the 2.75 mile mark I jumped on up to 7 mph to finish off.  

It's nice to break things up now and again.  Next week, I'll switch to doing more interval training.  And tomorrow is a much needed "off" day.  I'm going to see if I can squeeze it in early, while I'm still half asleep, so my body doesn't know what's going on.  

3 miles this evening for Fish and Cam!  Thanks for cheering me on guys!  Love you both!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Proper Rest

Proper amounts of rest.

I'm not even sure what that means, but I know I would like to give it a try for the next 30 days or so.  I've been running tired since the new year began.  But somehow I've been getting my miles in.

I'm hoping to get some "GOOD" sleep tonight, so I have enough energy to get my three miles in tomorrow.

I did 4.5 miles this morning and bowled two games this evening and my body is fighting to stay in the upright position.  That tells me that I need to get my backside to bed!

Goodnight Fish!  Goodnight Cam!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Black Belt Club

Black belt club tonight.  And a 20 minute walk after I got home.  Sometimes you just have to take things easy after a long day.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 15

Squeezed in a nice easy 3.2 miles on the treadmill this afternoon . . . along with Pilates and weight training.  Just in time to head off to taekwondo.

Note to self:  Get my run and workouts in BEFORE taekwondo.  It makes it a lot more bearable.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

"Off" Days

There are days when even "off" days aren't enough.  My body is wiped out from too many late nights, too many early mornings, and too many things on my list to be done.

Sure!  There are days when I'd just like to skip my run or workout . . . but then I know I'd feel like a big LOSER, if I skipped one.  So it all basically comes down to, "Do you want to feel like a loser?"  or pushing myself just a little bit to get at least SOME physical activity logged for the day.  

Today was an "off" day on my schedule, so I opted to walk my mile tonight.  And anything else is just beyond me at this point.  


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Taekwondo and Running

Taekwondo works completely different muscles than running.  And more often than not, I come away battered, bruised and limping.  I'm not 18 anymore.  My flexibility and agility have flown the coop and the only thing keeping me sparring away, is that I'm just shy of my black belt.  

Taekwondo and running are pretty much like oil and water.  Or at least that's how I find them to be with me.  I've gotten more "running" injuries from taekwondo than from actually running.  But it's a great way to keep in shape and work those other muscles.  The ones that you neglect when you are a runner.  And the sparring is fun.  But learning and remembering forms taxes my brain.

I really need to come up with some other type of cross training.  Maybe something like biking or kayaking . . .

3 miles after class tonight!  I figured taekwondo was enough of a warm up for me tonight since I'm running late.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Half Marathon Training Begins

I've been down this road before . . . but I think picking a training program, will do even more to motivate me to keep running.  I have a tendency to slack off, if I don't keep myself to a strict schedule.  And this one should be a piece of cake after my 32 week marathon training program last year.

Today was an "off" day.  So I logged a mile, did my Pilates and lifted weights.  Tomorrow is a three miler.  I'm going to have to squeeze it in between activities, but it shouldn't be too bad.  I'm looking forward to getting back on track.

Let training begin!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy Birthday Cameron!

Happy Birthday Cameron!  I ran 4 miles for your 4th birthday, with an extra half mile to grow on!  And then did some Pilates and lifted some weights for you.  We've got to keep our strength up!

Hope you have an awesome birthday little buddy!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Walking Breaks

"Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must."

I'm not sure who to credit this quote to, but it holds a lot of truth.  I've been forced to walk through several injuries, but I've learned to heed my body's warnings a little better than I used to.  Tonight was definitely a "walk" night.  I somehow ended up with a bruised quad Tuesday night after taekwondo class.  I ended up walking my mile the next day, as my leg was really hurting.  And after class last night, I decided to see if I could handle a run.  I made it through alright wearing a knee sleeve, but it probably would have been wiser, to just take it easy.  

Tonight I was back to a walk.  I can tell that it is finally starting to heal a little, so I'm hoping that by tomorrow, after a good solid night's sleep, that I'll be back to running again.  This walking stuff takes FOREVER.  But better to walk than crawl!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Running Aids

Tonight I ran my mile with a "knee sleeve", just as a precaution.  It's been feeling somewhat out of sorts since Tuesday's taekwondo class, and I don't want to take any chances with it.  Even if it's more of a psychological crutch than any other reason.  

Sometimes, I think it's okay to ask for help, or baby things along.  Just so long as you don't let your body get used to those little crutches 24/7.  We are here to get STRONGER, not hurt or injure ourselves.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


And today I am recovering from a long week, and some intense station drill workouts from taekwondo last night.  My knee didn't like all the heavy impact stuff and I'm suffering for it.

So today I walked a mile to let my knees both recover a bit, before I start putting them through the paces again.  Hopefully taekwondo is a little lower impact tomorrow night.

Recovery days are an essential part of running.  I've learned that the hard way.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Runners can be a strange batch of people.  Dedicated and determined above and beyond mere normal standards.  

Running in bitter cold, desert heat, 100% humidity, rain, sleet and snow.  And pushing themselves farther than the average mortal.

Tonight I finally squeezed my run in after station drills and sparring night at taekwondo.  I was too lazy to change out of my taekwondo uniform . . . so I ran with "clothes" on tonight.  At 9:30 p.m.

But I got that mile in.  Ten minutes really isn't that long.  Anybody can find ten minutes out of their day to be active.  

Don't you agree?  Baby steps are better than no steps.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Spinach, kale, pomegranate, strawberry, banana, chia seeds, yogurt . . . this is dinner tonight.  A green smoothie.

I'm trying to be more mindful of what I cram in my body.  Or at least intermittently.  Which is better than I had been doing.  Every step counts, right?!

The taste isn't bad . . . but those pomegranate seeds pretty much suck.  (Note to self:  Don't use pomegranates when they aren't in their prime season.)

I've been using "My Fitness Pal" to track my calorie intake and try to keep my proteins, carbs and fats in line.  So far, so good . . . but it's only the 5th of January.  We'll see how long I make it.


Logged a quick mile for my running buddies tonight, along with a little Pilates and some weights.  I love my Fish man and my little buddy Cameron!  They inspire me to keep moving!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Hoka Stinson

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."  ~ John Bingham

After running for several years with the Nike Pegasus series, I finally switched over to the Saucony Kinvara 3.  I dearly loved those shoes.  Bright pretty colors.  Comfortable.  I completely wore them out after over 1200 miles . . . when they were slotted for closer to 400.  Since I liked them so well, I decided to stay with that particular series and moved into the Saucony Kinvara 4.  I didn't have as good a luck as I had with the Kinvara 3 . . . but I stuck it out through blisters and discomfort.

About a month before my marathon in November, I decided it was time to break in something new, as I'd finally reached my mileage limit on the Kinvara 4's.  So a friend told me to give the Hoka's a try.  I tried out a few different varieties . . . and ended up with the Stinson. 

What a difference one pair of shoes can make.  As ugly and clunky as these bad boys are . . . I wouldn't trade them for anything.  Not even a new pair of Kinvara 3's.  They took me through my first marathon  . . . and a couple hundred miles of training.  And they are wonderful.  Very cushiony, and not as heavy as they look.

Make sure when you start a running program to try out several different types and styles of running shoes.  It may be an inconvenience, but in the long run, it can make ALL the difference.


Fish man and Cameron . . . you guys helped me make it through another 4.2 miles for my 42nd birthday!  You are both ROCK STARS!  Love you bunches!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Pick Your Spot Pilates

This is the Pilates workout I use to warm up and cool down with.

There are a total of four different 10 minute workouts and I think it's perfect.  Ten minutes is something I can handle.  And the exercises are pretty thorough.

Occasionally, I do all forty minutes, just for grins.  On a low mile day.

Just thought I would share.


My running buddies, Fish and Cameron got me through two more miles this afternoon!  Thanks guys!  Love you both!  Day #3 of our run streak!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Necessary Evil

"We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves...The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable."

~ Sir Roger Bannister ~ 

If you're like me, you sometimes jump into situations without fully thinking and planning them out.  

Like my running for instance . . . when I happened to glance at a flyer in the library for a local 5k several years ago.  I thought, "SURE!  I can do that!  I've been doing yoga and pilates for months and I'm in pretty decent shape."  So I signed my six year old daughter and myself up for the full 3.1 miles.

Holy mother of hills!  I thought I was going to DIE.  But we both made it across the finish line in under an hour . . . with a passel of little kids beating the pants off of us.

Of course, I knew I couldn't let THAT happen again.  (How embarrassing!)  So I started actually running.  On a regular basis.  And adding mile after mile after mile.  Pushing myself to be faster and faster, so I could at least come in ahead of the pre-school/kindergarten pack the following year. 

And I fell in love with the sport.  The peace and contentment.  The feeling it gave my muscles, my heart and my lungs.  It challenged me and calmed me.

So I completely quit doing my yoga and pilates and focused fully on my running.  Which wasn't a very smart thing for me to do.  I pulled muscles and suffered from all kinds of aches and pains, but none of them were painful enough to keep me from heading out the door for a run, until the summer of 2013.

The past year and a half has been pretty frustrating for me.  You see . . . I don't like lifting weights.  Or resistance band training.  Or Jillian Michaels.  Or cross training.  I just want to run.

Unfortunately, it seems that there are usually two sides to everything.  (The good and the bad.)  And with my particular situation, in order to run the way I like to run . . . I must build the muscles of my right leg back up, and do some pretty unpleasant exercises, so I can get back to running pain free again.  I have to lift weights and do resistance band training.  I have to cross train and break up things with a Jillian Michael's workout now and then.  And I just have to suck it up and like it.

This whole process of building up and tearing down, seems to be a cycle with me.  One that I would like to put a halt to this year.  But the good thing about cycles . . . they always come back around again.

I highly encourage you, if you are just starting out, to find a beginner's program.  And build up your base BEFORE you start tearing up the pavement.  Go to a running clinic.  Take a class.  Ask questions.  Research.

I've been running for five years now . . . and I wish I knew then, what I know now.  I'm continually learning as I stumble and stagger my way through.  It's all part of the process, and you have to be kind to yourself along the way.


Fish and Cameron . . . I logged a mile for you this afternoon!  After two hours of stacking brush and loading 70+ pound logs into the back of the truck . . . I was pretty tired.  But I counted it as my leg workout today.  When we got home from hauling wood, I put my workout clothes on, did a 10 minute pilates warm up, lifted some weights and got that mile in before I had to fix dinner.  Thanks for being my running buddies!  Love you both!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Journey Continues

"Make each day your masterpiece." ~ John Wooden

 I've decided to keep a b(log) this year, mainly for my running buddies.  I run 4 Fisher, who just turned 11 in December, and Cameron, my IR4 Siblings buddy, who will be having a birthday in just a couple more weeks!  These boys keep me motivated and give me the strength to carry on, on those days when I just don't feel very motivated to do much of anything.  I love my boys!

I'm also doing this in order to keep better track of where I'm at in my training, what works for me, and what doesn't.  And maybe it will inspire or assist someone else in their own running journey along the way.


I've always been a "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of runner.  I just wanted to get out there and run.  But in May of 2013, I found out I had some major muscular issues that were causing me to experience some pretty massive pain when I ran.  My physical therapist gave me some pretty horrific exercises to work on (several times a day) and I was told not to run.  AT ALL.  But that simply wasn't going to happen with me.  I MUST run.

So we got together and came up with a plan.  It was an awful, horrible, terrible very bad kind of plan, but through sheer grit and determination we pulled it off.  2014 was my year to run.  I ran a total of 26 races.  1,005.5 miles.  Marked both an Ultra and a Marathon off of my bucket list.  And I completely wore my muscles, joints and tendons to the screaming point.  There was pain.  Lots and lots of pain.  But I found out that the heart is truly stronger than the brain and that by sheer force of will, the impossible can become possible.  Somehow, during all that training, the muscles on my right side miraculously started improving, but there was still a lot of pain involved.

So I spent the month of December recovering from a marathon, by focusing almost completely on stretching and strength training, and letting my "running" muscles rest. 

Now I get to pay for pushing myself so hard last year, by starting over.  Slowly and deliberately.  I get to re-train my muscles.  And hopefully by the end of this year, I will be running pain free 100% of the time.


Today, I did a 10 minute Pilates warm up, ran 3.11 with a 10'08" pace on a 2.0 incline on the treadmill, did some post run stretching, and did a couple of reps with the 5 lb weights.  And it's time to get ready for a one hour taekwondo class . . . so I'm off and running.  Again.