Saturday, February 28, 2015


Wrapping up February with 6 miles.

Bronchitis is a bear, but I made it just fine.  Hoping this nasty stuff goes away soon.

Friday, February 27, 2015


Another mile before black belt club tonight.  

Hoping to get to bed early for a change.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


I was able to squeeze my four miles in, between work and taking Bayleigh to her archery tournament.  It was a close call, but it is done.

And after the archery tournament, we had taekwondo.  A secondary workout for the day.

I'm glad I'll be able to sleep when I'm dead.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I've probably walked a mile up and down the ladder, while I've been painting Eli's room . . . but just to make it official, I got on the treadmill and logged my mile for the day there.

I'm so used to exhaustion that I find I just slog through on days when I don't even feel like I have the strength to hold up my head.  I'm glad that I have been able to keep the streak this year.  Even during the tough months.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Ended up splitting my four mile run into two sections, due to my crazy schedule.  As soon as I got home from work, I logged 2 miles in before going to pick Bayleigh up from archery practise and then I finished up my other two miles as soon as we got back home.

Sometimes you've just got to do, what you've got to do to get those miles in.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Monday is an "off" day on my schedule, so I logged a quick mile to keep the streak going.  It just feels so good to be running again!

Sunday, February 22, 2015


I finally pulled off a run tonight.  I'm still coughing like a two-pack-a-day-smoker, but I maintained a 9 minute and something pace for my first mile and jogged the second mile to cool down.  

Gosh that felt good!

Saturday, February 21, 2015


There is always something trying to veer me off track.  Like a busy day of basketball practise, kid swaps, grocery shopping and picking out paint for Eli's room.  Glad we made it home at a respectable hour and I could log my 20 minute 1 mile walk this evening.

SO ready for a slow down.  In March, I plan on grabbing the bull by the horns again.  No matter what may fall onto my path.

Friday, February 20, 2015


And we're down to another week of miles.  February has been a less than stellar training month for me.  Actually there has been very little training going on at all.  (My one mile walks aren't really cutting it, but they're better than nothing at all!)

I'm still coughing and my sinuses are giving me fits, but I should be able to get a little more sleep from here on out.  Hell month is almost over with and I feel the acute need to run once again.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Day 50 is in the books!  This terrible cough is still with me, but I'm hanging on to these short easy miles, knowing that this too shall pass.

I WILL feel better soon.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Continuing onward with my mile a day.  

Just so long as I can keep moving forward.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Another one bites the dust!   

I think I'll be sticking with my easy miles, until I get rested up from the tax season rush.  At this point, I think it's more important to recuperate, than push myself when I'm beyond exhausted.

Monday, February 16, 2015


Another day . . . another mile.

Exhaustion is my constant companion.  I'm slogging along the best that I can.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Another one mile walk on the treadmill.  

Just struggling through exhaustion at this point.  Things should ease up soon.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


I was completely exhausted after working three more hours than I had expected to today.  Tis the season.  Tax season that is.

But I couldn't let my little running buddies down, so I slogged through another mile after dinner tonight.

I'm SO ready for some rest.

Friday, February 13, 2015


This cough is killing me . . . 

Had black belt club tonight and practised forms again.  Then walked 4 miles and some change while I finished reading, "When the Storm Breaks" by Hannah Lowell.  

It's much easier to get through these tedious walks when I have something to read. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Took another walk night tonight.  One more mile and some change.

I think I've coughed for so long, that I've finally thrown something out of whack.  I'm SO over this crud.  It just needs to go away and let me recover.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


One easy walking mile tonight.  Giving my legs a much needed rest after those brutal station drills in taekwondo. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Squeezed in my 4 miles between picking Bayleigh up from archery practise, and right before heading out the door for taekwondo.

Just barely squeaking it in, but got in done!  

We did station drills, forms and sparring tonight in taekwondo, so I'm sure my legs are going to hurt tomorrow.


Monday, February 9, 2015


I'm still coughing and my ankle is a bit stiff . . . but I was tired of walking.

Ran a mile on my "off" day in 9 minutes and 10 seconds.  Not bad for being out for over a week.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Another 1.5 mile walk tonight.  

Tomorrow I run!  So looking forward to stretching my legs back out.  

Between this nasty sinus infection and a twisted ankle, this has been a cruddy week and a half for the training schedule. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Made it through another 1.5 miles tonight.  Still coughing up both lungs, but I think I'll be able to breathe normally again soon!  

Hallelujah!  This being sick is for the birds.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Slogging through another mile tonight.  

Slowly getting better, but getting better none the less.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Another day of taking things easy.  But one more mile logged!

Hoping to get over this sinus stuff (and the twisted ankle thing) soon!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I skipped out on taekwondo tonight.  I had a little incident Saturday evening where I ended up twisting my ankle a bit.  Nothing too bad, but I can feel a sharp pain if I move too quickly the wrong way. 

Walking however, doesn't seem to bother it.  So I'm still keeping the streak alive, by walking a mile each day.

I may see how running on it feels in the morning . . . and I'm hoping to run my 4 miles on Thursday morning.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Got some much needed rest today.  I'm still pretty stuffed up, but I'm not feeling quite so sluggish.

Walked another mile on the mill.

Going to take it easy for another couple of days before I jump back into training, due to a slight ankle sprain/bruise/pull.  I don't need any injuries at this point.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Still under the weather, but was able to get my mile in.    

I'm pretty sure my body just needs some rest.  I need to pencil that into my schedule somewhere amongst all the kid's activities, work and keeping things caught up around the house.  Something is going to have to give.